The Physical Literacy for Life project aims to create a foundation for physical literacy to be recognised as a key component of Europeans’ lifelong learning journey through physical education, physical activity and sport.
The EU-supported project is led by the International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA) and 10 partners on 2 continents. It is set to build on some of the groundwork made both in Europe and Australia, in particular by project partners EUPEA, a partner in the EU-supported PHYLIT project, and Dean Dudley from Macquarie University, a leading researcher who is working with Sport Australia to put physical literacy on the federal government’s health and wellbeing agenda.
Physical literacy is developing as a concept in a number of countries. However, various definitions are often used to describe it. This clearly weakens the understanding and acceptance of the need for physical literacy as a central, lifelong competence.
Through its complementary partner organisations (research institutes, universities, health organisations, physical education and physical activity NGOs, and sport for all associations), the project will deliver a common concept and definition of physical literacy. This will ultimately strengthen the value of what it means to be a “physically literate” citizen, and prompt key decision-makers to recognise how being physically literate encompasses key competences and basic skills that are valuable for personal development, health, employability, social inclusion and active citizenship.
Further, it aims to assist physical literacy to become integrated into the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and be regularly evaluated at a European level.
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